There are various reasons the Windows 11 Snipping Tool is not working. But there are some quite strange solutions, as you will later find out. So, let’s find out all about the problem.

Why can I not find the Snipping Tool in Windows 11?

Here are some of the reasons the Windows 11 Snipping Tool is missing:

A bug in the OS – Users who reported the problem early on when Windows 11 was released found a bug in the OS itself that caused the problem, and an update for it was released. Corrupt system files – If the system files are corrupt, chances are that Snipping Tool and a bunch of other pre-installed apps would fail to work. Misconfigured settings – There are certain settings that, when disabled, will affect the tool’s functioning.

How can I fix the missing Snipping Tool on Windows 11?

Before we try the slightly complex solutions, here are a few quick ones that might work:

Restart the computer and check if you can access Snipping Tool. Update the OS to the latest available version since a patch was released for a bug that led to the Snipping Tools not running in Windows 11. Scan your PC for malware and virus using the built-in Windows Security. Also, you could use a reliable and effective antivirus. These are generally up-to-date with the recent bugs and threats and help seamlessly eliminate them.

If none of these work, head to the fixes listed next.

1. Open it from Windows.old folder

If you recently upgraded to Windows 11, there must be a Windows.old folder with the Snipping Tool shortcut. And you can run it directly from here. If the folder doesn’t exist or you deleted it, head to the next fix.

2. Turn on notifications

3. Use a specialized software

Restoro is a trusted third-party software solution that can help you fix multiple errors on your PC. It can fix all system or driver-related errors with just a few clicks. This software is pretty handy, as it comes with all tools necessary to detect and fix system-related errors. SPONSORED

4. Change the date and time

There is another temporary solution provided by the Microsoft tech community. If the Snipping Tool isn’t working on your Windows 11 PC, change the date on your PC to anything before October 31, 2021. This specific date is advised because of the app’s digital certificate, which was valid till October 31, 2021. However, a new update solved the problem, but if you are still experiencing it, then changing the date and time would be worth a try.

5. Modify the Group Policy Settings

That’s it! If nothing had worked and Snipping Tool was still missing in Windows 11, it could have been a misconfigured policy to blame. But the problem will be fixed by now.

6. Reinstall Snipping Tool in Windows 11 via PowerShell

You can also install Snipping Tool in Windows 11 using PowerShell when missing, a method that has worked for many users.

7. Download from Microsoft Store

Also, if you can’t find Snipping Tool, search for Snip and Sketch, though the two have been integrated and go by the former’s name in Windows 11. If nothing works, we recommend you wait for an update from Microsoft. Until then, use effective screenshot-capturing software. Do not forget to share other solutions that fixed the issue in the comments section and help fellow Windows 11 users.

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