The status will be updated when the shipment begins to travel. And nothing else. Or, you ordered some stuff on eBay and the seller gave you a FedEx tracking number. But when you want to track your package down, you see FedEx stuck on label created. In some cases, the FedEx tracking number is not found at all or simply won’t work. Other scenarios are also possible. Here’s what you can expect:

FedEx label created but not shipped Shipment information sent to FedEx for days, for a week, for a month FedEx package stuck on label created FedEx label created no update – shipment information sent to FedEx not updating

Now, this can happen with all kinds of sellers and the issue is by no means exclusive to a particular service. However, users reported GameStop, eBay, or Dell shipment information sent to FedEx cases more often than others. Obviously, one would be interested in the meaning of shipment information sent to FedEx or FedEx label-created meaning. So let’s take a closer.

What does Label Created mean FedEx?

The status means that a package is available for collection and FedEx has been notified of the shipment. When the seller places the order for shipment, it generates a label in the system. So far, so good. Now, either FedEx collects the package from the seller or the seller delivers the package or parcel to FedEx directly (if there is no collection agreement in place). Whatever the case, the meaning of the FedEx label created meaning is that FedEx is yet to receive the package and the latter is ready for shipment on the seller’s end.

Why is my FedEx package stuck on label created?

Here are some common reasons:

Sometimes, labels are printed automatically by shippers once an order had been placed, although the shipment has not actually been processed. The package was shipped, but it hasn’t been scanned in the shipper’s system yet and will be scanned upon arrival at the location. FedEx is in possession of the package but their system has not updated yet / failed to update. FedEx may not have scanned the item into its system correctly, to begin with.

How long after label is created for FedEx to update tracking information or receive a package from the shipper?

The tracking information should update as soon as FedEx physically receives the package. This is typically done within a few hours. If the delay goes anywhere beyond 24 to 48 hours, you can presume there’s been an issue (either FedEx fails to update their system or else, as shown above). Depending on the shipping instructions, FedEx usually picks up shipments within one or two business days. However, on periods with heavy traffic, for instance around Black Friday or similar, it is possible that they run off the schedule.

What can I do if my shipping is stuck in Label has been created?

So, the only thing for you to do is wait for a little longer, especially if you trust the seller. If you purchased something on eBay, for instance, it would be a good idea to do a little research on the seller. It may also be worth reaching out to the seller in case you did not receive any updates for weeks or so. This way, the seller can reach out to FedEx and help shed some light on this situation. On the other hand, forum users advise against contacting FedEx directly, because their support proved unable to clarify the label shipping status. We hope that this information was useful. Feel free to share your thoughts on this topic using the comments sections below.

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