This guide will discuss hard faults and how to reduce them to keep your computer up and running. 

What are hard faults per second?

Hard Faults, previously known as Page faults, occur when the operating system retrieves memory pages from the disk rather than from the in-memory pages that the memory manager maintains. Usually, most hard faults are like normal background processes in your Windows, which go unnoticed. However, an invalid hard fault tries to access a memory address that doesn’t exist. And when the program can’t locate the new address, the OS might terminate it, resulting in a crash.

What causes hard faults?

The main reason for the increased number of hard faults is insufficient RAM. However, there could be various causes as well. Here we have listed some of them: 

Memory address of a program is changed: If the address memory of a program has been switched to the main paging file instead of the main memory slot, it could cause an issue. Virtual memory is overused: If your hard drive is overworked due to swapping information between virtual memory and system memory, it could result in hard faults. Running more programs: If you run multiple programs on your computer simultaneously, you can experience the issue.

How can I reduce hard faults?

1. Disable and Enable Page.sys

2. End Task using Resource Monitor

3. Extend RAM on your computer

If none of those mentioned above helped you, it seems time to extend your computer’s physical RAM. You can check the RAM available on your PC via System Configuration, and if it doesn’t meet the recommended requirements to run OS, you should buy additional RAM or extend the one you have.  So, this was our guide to help you understand what hard faults per second are and how to reduce them when they increase excessively. Try these methods and let us know which worked for you in the comments below.

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