Today, we’re going to take a closer look at the Vivaldi browser, because the last version launched by the company is packed with goodies. After being upgraded with such useful improvements, Vivaldi is now much faster and better and we’re about to take a closer look at all these features.

What’s new for Windows users with Vivaldi 5.4?

The first interesting new functionality we’re going to focus on has to do with Web Pannels. With this feature, managing what happens on your most popular websites will get a lot easier. As the company stated, these sticky non-tabs in the browser’s sidebar will help you create a split screen view, for better management. And, since we don’t want sound randomly blasting in our ears when we access a website, developers added the ability to mute the Web Panels. This will be extremely useful when dealing with social media and other pages that will randomly play sound when you least expect it. Vivaldi users will surely know that unlike in most popular browsers, Mouse Gestures in Vivaldi can perform literally any action you like and you can even customize that to your liking. It is also known that until now you weren’t able to select what the Rocker Gestures do, but that is all about to change in Vivaldi version 5.4. The company stated that you can therefore assign any command to both gestures, which is one of the features that users have heavily requested. How’s that for company feedback? All you have to do is click and hold one button, click the other button, release the first button and let go. Also, you can rock across the mouse from right-to-left or left-to-right, with each direction you rock giving you a totally different result. There are moments when you want to share your discovery with a friend, but making him also search for that paragraph can get tedious at times. That is why, when using Vivaldi, you can now right-click and choose Copy link to highlight. Now, when you send that URL to anyone using a Chromium-based browser, it will take them directly to the highlighted material. But wait, there’s more! Vivaldi now also has an option that will automatically upgrade all navigation to HTTPS and will also display alerts before loading websites that don’t support it. Thoughts? These above-mentioned HTTPS upgrades will allow users to browse the Internet without interruptions over a secure connection wherever possible. The 1.1 version of Vivaldi Mail is also a result of the company working hard towards fine-tuning it, and the result is something you will definitely want to use. Keep in mind that the statement above also applies to the Calendar and Feed Reader for the popular Vivaldi browser. After all the work that has been put into this vital part of the browser, Vivaldi Mail works better than before with some huge differences in speed and performance. To be more exact, you can now:

Manage all messages from the Mail Panel The counters show two numbers in any view Choose different customizable views and layouts Organize mails with Flags and Labels Control views with toggle buttons and a search bar Customize mail navigation with Keyboard Shortcuts and Quick Commands Prepare emails in advance and queue them View the feed items within the Mail Panel  Add Calendar accounts easily Control how much data you would like to see Add or edit events quickly Find, create and edit an event with the help of Event Editor

Have you tried the latest features brought to the Vivaldi browser via version 5.4? Share your experience with us in the comments section below.

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