On the same note, our users noted that the first solution worked like a charm when there were issues with time synchronization. So, let’s find out how you can get things up and running.

Why is my Windows time not updating?

Here are a few reasons an error may have occurred when synchronizing time in Windows:

Issues with the Windows Time service – If the service is not running or its settings are misconfigured, you will likely encounter problems with the sync process. Problems with the current network – Often, it’s an issue with the existing network that prevents the time synchronizing process and leads to an error in Windows. Corrupt system files – Corrupt system files are one of the most common reasons behind a range of issues, including this one. Third-party antivirus or firewall blocking the sync process– Sometimes, a third-party antivirus or firewall installed on the computer may trigger conflicts and lead to errors.

While we are at it, the solutions listed in the next section would work in the following cases as well:

An error occurred while Windows was synchronizing with time Windows com. This operation returned because the timeout period expired – It’s one of the common errors encountered by users and is easily fixable. An error occurred while Windows was synchronizing with time.windows.com. The peer is unreachable – The issue usually arises due to server problems. Switching to another server might do the trick. An error occurred while Windows was synchronizing with the IP address – Many users tried synchronizing with the IP address but to no avail. Check the solutions below to fix things.

How do I fix an error that occurred while Windows was synchronizing with time Windows com?

Before we head to the slightly complex solutions, here are a few quick ones that might do the trick:

Restart the computer. Here’s what to do if your computer fails to restart. Make sure that any third-party antivirus, firewall, or other security software installed on the computer is disabled. If that works, uninstall it, and switch to a more user-friendly antivirus and a reliable firewall. Switch to another network. For instance, if you are facing an issue on a Wi-Fi network, switch to a mobile hotspot and check if an error still occurs while synchronizing time in Windows. Surprisingly, some users could sync time by connecting through a VPN. So make sure you try that as well. Also, do not forget to check the best VPNs for Windows, given all these work like a charm.

If none of these helped fix things, try the solutions listed next.

1. Reconfigure the Windows Time service (Worked best for users)

2. Use a different server

Users reported fixing the error while synchronizing Windows time simply by using a different server. If the ones available by default don’t work, try these: SPONSORED

pool.ntp.org time-a.nist.gov time-b.nist.gov time-a.timefreq.bldrdoc.gov time-b.timefreq.bldrdoc.gov

3. Run a few commands

If everything goes well, you should see, The windows Time Service is starting. The windows time service was started successfully.

4. Reset the BIOS

The last option in case an error occurs when you synchronize Windows time is resetting the BIOS. Often, the problem lies in the BIOS settings; resetting it is the only way to go.

How do I force my computer to sync time?

That’s it! When you reach this part, an error should no more occur when synchronizing Windows time, and you will have the correct time set on the PC. And once the error is fixed, check out the best ways to make Windows 11 faster. If you have more questions or suggestions, feel free to drop them in the comments below.

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