But that shouldn’t exactly come as a surprise, considering that even Diablo 2 still has a lot of active players. In Diablo 3, players create a character by choosing one of the 7 classes available in the game and embark on a journey to defeat Diablo, the demonic overlord. You can do that solo, or join others. If you’re familiar with previous releases, you’ll know that teaming up doesn’t mean it’s going to be easier. In fact, the difficulty of the game increases as more and more players join your server. However, we didn’t gather to discuss Diablo 3’s awesomeness. Instead, we’re going to analyze one of its less-fun parts: sudden packet loss.

What is sudden packet loss in Diablo 3?

Packet loss is usually the same, no matter where you encounter it. Packets of data that are transmitted through your connection never make it to their destination. As a result, you can experience more noticeable issues. For instance, the game slows down to a pulp, you rubberband all around the map, you can’t really use your inventory, and the game simply stops responding to your commands. If the packet loss is severe (what we like to call a packet loss storm), you might even disconnect from the game. And that’s not exactly something you’d want happening while you’re battling Diablo or any of its spawns, believe me.

How to see packet loss in Diablo?

1. Use pathping

2. Use Blizzard’s Looking-Glass tool

How to fix sudden packet loss in Diablo 3?

1. Try using a VPN

Private Internet Access is a great all-round VPN service from Kape Technologies that can help you tackle packet loss in Diablo 3. However, note that it might not work if the problem is not on your ISP’s side. On the bright side, a VPN can help you solve many other issues such as privacy concerns, securing your connection, and circumventing geo-restrictions.

2. Perform manual troubleshooting

Restart your router and/or modem Try connecting straight to your modem or home line Use a wired connection instead of wireless (Wi-Fi leaks packets often) Check and replace/repair/update/upgrade any faulty component on your end (drivers, cables, PC, router) Avoid peak hours if possible In the Battle.net launcher window, click the Diablo 3 Options button and select Scan and Repair Restart the game Call your ISP if it seems the problem is on their side Contact Blizzard and inform them if the server seems to be having problems

Keep in mind that the most frequent cause of packet loss is network congestion. There’s pretty much nothing you can do about it, except if you’re a network administrator and know how to optimize routing and manage subnets. Thus, the best way to improve packet loss is more often than not waiting for it to fix itself.

Diablo 3 packet loss can be solved

To wrap it up, you’ve learned how to check for packet loss in Diablo 3 and discovered a bunch of quick fixes for this issue. If the issue lies on your ISP’s side, the most effective fix would be investing in a trustworthy VPN. However, there are many potential causes for packet loss, and your ISP might not be responsible for all of them. Thus, you might need to rely on your troubleshooting skills to improve, if not fix packet loss altogether.

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