This has irked many Call of Duty Warzone fans, and they are constantly looking up to the internet for solutions. If you are among such users, you have landed in the right place. Because here in this guide, we will give you 5 clear solutions that can help you fix the Warzone update not enough free space error. Let us get right into it.

Why can’t I update COD Warzone when I have enough space?

This error doesn’t apply to just COD Warzone alone; other COD games have suffered from the same problem. Some users have mentioned that the PS4 console requires double the amount of space as the actual size of the game. But that doesn’t hold for other games, except for COD Warzone. So, the best bet that you are facing Warzone update not enough free space error could be because of a bug. Unfortunately, there is no clarity on what is causing this problem, but by following the below-mentioned solutions, you will hopefully be able to fix the problem.

How can I fix the Warzone update not enough free space error?

1. Delete and install only required add-ons

Deleting the entire COD Warzone game will help you free up a significant amount of space on your console, but it also facilitates one more thing. The next time we will be downloading COD Warzone, we will only download the required components of the game. If you wish only to play multiplayer, you would only have the multiplayer part of the game. SPONSORED Follow the steps to download the specific add-on of the game.

2. Delete games and applications

4. Delete Game Saves

5. Clear cache on your console

Why do I need so much storage to update COD Warzone?

The answer to this question comes in two folds. The first is that PS4 always downloads the entire game and any new updates that you install on your console. If you already have COD Warzone installed on your PS4 and want to install the update, you should have free space totaling the game size + the size of the update. That is, unfortunately, how the PS4 stores’ games. It creates a second copy of the game, installs the update and the new version of the game, and later deletes the older version. What can you do to prevent this issue? Sadly, all you can do is follow the above steps to clear up space on your PS4 console. Alternatively, you can attach bigger hard drives and SSDs, or plug in a USB external hard drive to expand the storage. To avoid facing a Warzone update not enough free space error, we recommend you clear up space on your console before you proceed to download an update.

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