We will tell you about all the methods you have at your disposal, including the full screen shortcut key for Windows 11. Many users complain about the default screen size of certain apps and/or features. Fortunately, the newest Microsoft OS allows you to maximize it in multiple ways.

How can I go full screen in Windows 11?

In order to go full screen on Windows 11, regardless of the app you are using, the easiest way to do it is with the full screen shortcut key, which is F11. Simply press on it in order to open an app in full screen, and then toggle the mode off by pressing it again whenever you want to.

1. Use VirtualBox

2. Full screen Start menu in Windows 11

Unfortunately, unlike you were used to in Windows 10’s Start Menu, now you can not change the default height and width of it. This feat is currently one size fits all with a visible group of pinned apps and also an area of recommended items that would most likely be recently used files, but sometimes other programs. In the early builds of Windows 11, you were able to bring back the classic start menu. Unfortunately, now it is no longer possible. So, there is no option to view Windows 11 Start Menu on full screen, even on touch devices. If you’re still not happy with the current appearance, we suggest rolling back from Windows 11 to Windows 10.

3. Full screen widgets in Windows 11

Microsoft producers say that you can also open the full-screen mode for Windows 11 widgets. However, it seems like they haven’t yet implemented this functionality. But remember that you can quickly customize the size, by selecting the Settings options (marked as three dots) from your most wanted widget. In case you find these features unnecessary, make sure you check how to disable widgets in Windows 11.

4. Full screen browsers in Windows 11

You can follow the same process for multiple browsers, like Chrome, Microsoft Edge, or Firefox. SPONSORED The easiest way to get your browser in or out of the full screen is by using the F11 key. Remember that it also allows you to switch certain networking or chat apps views.

5. Full screen File Explorer in Windows 11

You can get your Windows 11 File Explorer into the screen mode by pressing on the already mentioned key (F11). Getting back to the normal preview will require using the same key.

6. Full screen Microsoft Office in Windows 11

You can either use the following keyboard shortcut: Alt + V, followed by the U key, or click on the Toggle Full Screen View command at the top of the window. If you’re not able to see the required command, make sure you keep on reading to find out how you can easily add it. Note that these two options work only for Microsoft Word and Excel. If you need to get the PowerPoint full-screen, you’ll have to hit the F5 key.

7. Streaming apps full screen

While many users prefer using the Full-screen icon, keep in mind that you can also apply the following keyboard shortcut: Windows + Shift + Enter. It would be much less time-consuming. However, there might be times when this feature is acting weird. To find more about it, make sure you check the section below.

What are the most common full screen issues?

The full-screen mode is a great feature that will simplify your daily work on Windows 11. However, you might notice random related problems. From what we found, these are the most common ones:

Games won’t go full screen – From our researches, you can get into full screen troubles while playing games, and LoL is just one of them. If League of Legends won’t go full screen, it’s time to take action. Full screen sudden minimization – This is another annoying problem that might sometimes appear while playing games. Users often claim that full-screen game keeps minimizing but this issue can be fixed too. Streaming platforms won’t go full screen – Many users reported that Netflix won’t go full screen. But this is not the only case. It also seems like Disney Plus is not streaming full screen. We understand how annoying it can be, so don’t let things this way. Full screen can not work on browsers – We made some researches on browsers issues and we found out that full screen might not work on Chrome. Fortunately, there are always options to solve it.

If you’re still wondering how the full-screen mode can help you, take a look at the section below and find some valuable reasons.

How does using full screen can help me?

A better view perspective – For enhanced clarity and minimal distraction, you might have to set your Windows 11 apps on full screen. This is a great way to keep focus during your daily activity. More clear screenshots – Some of you may need to take specific screenshots, that will capture any desktop detail. It will definitely require the full screen mode, so this is another reason to learn how to quickly do it. Also, we recommend taking a look at some of the easiest methods to take a screenshot on Windows 11. It hides specific details – If you choose to go full screen, unnecessary items will be hidden. So again, you’ll be able to focus on your main content.

Feel free to use this guide whenever you want to remember how to go full screen on Windows 11. Also, to get the best out of this feature, you should check our recommended articles. If you have any questions on this topic, do not hesitate to notify us by leaving a comment in the dedicated section below.

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