The problem was first spotted five months ago, and later, it was officially confirmed. When users try to copy something by right-clicking such as copying links or texts, etc., Firefox becomes unresponsive. Mozilla reportedly has fixed the problem with version 106.0.3. However, still, the freezing issue is bugging a lot of users for the new clipboard feature. To overcome this issue, Mozilla suggested following some technical steps.
How can I fix Firefox freezing issues due to Windows 11’s Suggested Actions feature?
With the release of Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 25163, Microsoft wanted to solve this issue. However, unfortunately, that only happened for a small number of users. Firefox version 106.0.3 has solved the issue for a lot of users, but it is not the case for everyone. Moreover, on Monday, Mozilla addressed a new problem that is causing startup crashes on the latest Firefox version on Windows. So, the steps mentioned above are the only true way to fix the Firefox freezing issue caused by Suggested Actions on Windows 11 until Mozilla or Microsoft fixes this.
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