First, we recommend that you check your hardware to see if there’s a problem there. Make sure that your tablet is properly connected, check the USB ports on your PC, plug your tablet into a different port and if you have the means, connect your Wacom device to a different computer. If all these preliminary checks don’t have a positive result, then we can try some more in-depth solutions. Although it’s a pretty annoying problem, the fix is not as hard as it seems. Today we’ll take a look at how to solve it. For more information, follow the steps below.

What can I do if my Wacom tablet is not connecting?

1. Restart Wacom Services

After the process finishes, reconnect your tablet and see if that solved the Wacom tablet not connecting problem.

2. Update/Re-install Wacom drivers

In many cases, the issue is caused by faulty drivers. Updating or re-installing them could solve the problem. If after the restart your still having the same problem, we recommend that in step 4 to choose Uninstall device instead of Update driver and follow the steps in the uninstaller. In case the drivers are outdated or missing,  we recommend you an automatic repair tool to do the job for you. DriverFix is an automated driver updater that can replace corrupted or damaged files, and restore your registry. ⇒ Get DriverFix

3. Install the first driver version that supports your model

Sometimes, updated drivers can be inconsistent, especially if there are some major changes involved. A solid fix confirmed by users is to install the first driver that works properly for your model. Now the device should work properly. As a side solution, you can try reinstalling the Visual C++ Redistributable Packages from the official Microsoft site to see if that solves the issue.

4. Disable the Windows Ink option

Start Wacom and see if the problem was solved. This worked for some of the users so make sure you try it out. Hope that these solutions helped you get pass the error message. If you have any more questions on how to connect a Wacom tablet to your Windows 10 PC, feel free to share them in the comments section below.

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